English language (1)
This course includes the three-year cycle of studying English for adults (from Elementary to Upper-Intermediate)
Each academic year includes 120 hours of classroom lessons in morning and evening groups. Classes have a practical and communicative focus. Modern technologies are used to intensify learning, which undoubtedly enhances the effectiveness of classes. That doesn’t only maintain the constant interest of students but also gives a good result.
English language (2)
This is a special course for high school students in preparation for the state English language exam and IELTS (Advanced level)
Classes are held twice a week (5 academic hours). The whole course includes 130 hours. The sufficient volume and intensity of classes make it possible to practice and develop all the skills necessary for high-quality preparation and successful passing of the exams.
English language (3)
This course includes the four-year cycle of learning English for teenagers
Grades 5 - 6 (Pre-Intermediate level)
Grades 7 - 8 (Low-Intermediate level)
Grades 8 - 9 (Intermediate level)
Grades 9-10 (Upper-Intermediate level)
These groups’ classes help to fill in possible gaps in schooling. That makes it easier to cope with the program of secondary school and gymnasium. Additional work with fiction, included in these courses, also significantly expands vocabulary and instils an interest in reading in English.
English language (4)
This course includes the five-year cycle of learning English for children
The course is designed for children of ages 6-10 who are just starting to learn English. Also, it can be recommended for children who have difficulty learning English in the school curriculum. The significant place is occupied by games and simple theatrical performances; a love for reading fiction in English is instilled.